Thursday, February 10, 2011

Daphnée Does Paris

Planning a trip to Paris soon? Language woes got you down? Never fear, Daphnée's here! Yeah, I guess I'm advertising (unbeknownst to anybody who would ever think to pay me for it)  but I spotted this new I-Phone/I-Pad application today. My old blackberry doesn't qualify and I hope to own a Kindle (mom.....) rather than an I Pad....but I did view all the trailers and these French lessons might be a fun way to learn a little French.  Click here to go to the web page. 


Actress Anne-Sophie Franck of the film Inglorious Bastards stars as Daphnée in the series, and it covers everything from shopping to dining, nightlife to ....a different type of nightlife. The entire series is only $2.99 and can be downloaded from the apps store.

I have once or twice had the opportunity to say "tu me fais mal!" However, I have never, ever gotten to say "tu les trouves jolie mes fesses?" Now that I know how to say it....well... I gotta go!


  1. Me neither, but I think now it is too late for me to enquire about mes fesses...jolies ou non!

  2. I wish a little fairy would give me 3 wishes, number one would be that I speak French fluently – I can hardly get by at the present time it is a struggle with a fading memory!!! Very frustrating. Diane

  3. Aracne-mais I'm looking at it as a challenge! Come on...we're not dead yet!

    Diane-oh I certainly have the same wish. It's so, so difficult when at this age I often can't remember the word in English, let alone learn it in French. What are your other two wishes?

  4. How fun!

    The language, the sounds, all magnificant.

  5. I can ask the question re fesses....but no way am I going to!
    The answer might be discouraging!

  6. Delana, Fun with French. My daughter is taking French in college and yesterday's class used characters and situations from the television show Lost. She now knows how to say "Who was it that the smoke monster ate?" and "Who's boat is it then if not Penny's?" I'm sure these phrases will come in very handy when she does her semester abroad.

  7. Never heard of this! Well, maybe i"ll download a trial! something to listen to at the gym maybe???

  8. I would rather visit & have you be in charge. That way my brain won't hurt !

  9. What a fun app. I have a MacBook but I don't want either AT&T nor Verizon, so no IPhone :( I wish they'd make those apps available on more platforms.

  10. Joanne-the language is a splendid meal. Most days. Other days I want to throw it out with the dregs from the cat box!

    Fly-oh....yeah! Thanks for taking the wind out of my sails!

    Paulita- the French will love those phrases. It will spark an entire conversation about philosophy!

    LibbY- You already know all this stuff. Or most of it anyway. The big question is...why is fesses plural?

    anon- then get your fesses back here.

    Indie-I wouldn't want AT and T or Verizon either. And besides, I need a phone that I can drop regularly!

  11. When I first moved to France, the local chateau was owned by three sisters...known as the 'six fesses'...roughly translated as the three bare arses...

  12. Bonjour Delana~ sounds a real fun way to learn a little French!

  13. Fly-I swear to god, one of these days, I've got to meet you!

    Dianne-All my teachers say the BEST way is to find a lover! I'm just sayin'.

  14. I'm going to have to watch this. And when you get a chance to ask that all important fesses question, I certainly hope you'll write about it.


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